Dr. Martin Davidson

Registered Psychologist

Dr. Martin Davidson is a Registered Psychologist who specializes in the assessment and treatment of children, teens, and young adults with learning problems, behavior issues, and mental health disorders. He has training and expertise in conducting psychoeducational assessments for the purposes of identifying learning struggles, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, and giftedness. Martin strives to make his assessments comprehensive and thorough but presented in straightforward, easy to understand language that attempts to capture what is going on for an individual who is struggling academically and/or emotionally.

In his practice, Martin places paramount importance on building strong, trusting, and collaborative relationships with the individuals and families with whom he works, ensuring they feel that he is on their side and acting in their best interests. And while psychological services must often focus on struggles and deficits, Martin also focuses on each individual’s strengths and how those strengths might be fully realized. He also looks at the ways in which an individual’s social and emotional functioning may be affecting him or her at school.

Martin completed his doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Simon Fraser University (SFU) with a child clinical specialization. In addition to his private practice, he teaches undergraduate psychology classes, including Adolescent Development and Developmental Psychopathology, at SFU. He has also worked at the Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre and Child and Youth Mental Health in Delta, where he provided assessment and treatment services to youth exhibiting severe emotional distress and behavioral challenges.

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